Sunday, February 22, 2009

Show and Tell

Finally our first patchwork day arrived. Everyone is already running head first into 2009 so unfortunately all couldn't make it, but those who were able had a lovely day.

Ruth was busy catching up on some mending. With that out of the way, she can get back to some serious sewing.

Patty came along with a bag in a kit and left at the end of the day with a very nice, completed bag.

Kath was able to pop in after lunch and brought some hand sewing with her. A long term project that she can 'grab and run' to work on whenever.

Narelle also brought along some hand work to do, after the regulation cuppa of course.

Margaret was busy quilting a panel for her mum. Very Nice!
Margaret's been a busy girl over the break and brought along some show and tell. Oven mits made from fabric purchased on our shopping trip.

And an gorgeous cushion.

Here's a close up of the embroidery and lace hat.

Hope everyone is finding time for a little sewing in their lives and looking forward to catching up with others on our next day, the 18th March.

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