Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Haircut Story

Amazing what can happen when you leave your patchwork session for a short while to visit the hairdresser. Kath had been agonizing about how to place her hexagons and left it hanging on the design wall. 2 little elves came along and suddenly the hexagons had all swapped places. The basic arrangement stayed put and Kath came back, picked it up and went home and sewed it up. She added the borders and finished it on time.
Her fabric had very little value contrast between colours and a narrow distance between design repeats. Her hexagons were a bit of a challenge to arrange. This unfortunately is the only photo we have at present to show you. The addition of her boxes and the wide borders have certainly made her quilt stand out.
Kath also has not been quilting for very long so she has learnt a lot about colour and value.
Well done Kath.
PS : The quilts are only in the gallery for another week, so call in or you'll miss out.

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