Every quilt has a story about it. Patty's pineapple fabric has been waiting patiently for years for her nimble fingers and clever mind to work out what to do to make this fabric into something wonderful.
During the workshop all Patty could seem to say was " Are we there yet? " Reminescent of the tv ad.
She had to race off early for another appointment somewhere as usual, that day, so did not get a lot of sewing finished. Turns up a few weeks later with her finished top and announces , this is my new bathmat. In the tradition of patchwork, the wadding consists of her daughters old towelling nappies pieced together ( the youngest daughter is 14 this year so she has been hoarding them for years) and she has also appliqued some of her many yards of pineapple fabric onto matching bath towels.

A fine example of a true patchwork tradition. Well done Patty.
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