Hi Girls
What a roll up at Patchwork today. After a vigourous discussion regarding our Christmas celebrations, we decided that we don't really wish to roll out the door after eating too much food. Our venue and menu was decided on, we are self catering at the Hall on Friday November 29th.
Ruth and Fay are providing the meat dishes, Patty is bringing a tossed salad and some fruit, Margaret is bringing some Rice salad and a White Chocolate Cheesecake, Kerry is quiche making and a chocolate slice, Sandra has been nominated for bringing a Potato Salad and Rum Balls, Narelle has been nominated to bring some beetroot and pineapple and some nibblies for morning tea. Di is bringing the Trifle and dinner rolls, Lyn cause she is the poultry owner has been nominated to bring some stuffed eggs and if Kath can attend, her Christmas Mince Pies will be most welcome.
Patty and Kassey are holding up the Creative Textiles banner we made for the Mt Perry Annual Art Exhibition. Glad to hear that three of us actually had entries in the competition. Well done Lyn, Patty and Di.
Catch you next time at Narelle's I hope. Ruth
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