Thursday, February 10, 2011

Childers Sugar and Sweet Day

An invitation to th 2nd Annual Sugar and Sweet Show and Tell Day has arrived. It is to be held on Thursday 14th April 2011, commencing 9.30am. and concluding approx 2.00pm.
The Cultural Centre in Childers is the venue. They are asking for quilts, wall hangings, bags and would like you to tell their stories.
The usual raffles, main prize and door prizes are on offer. An ACCUGO baby fabric cutter courtesy of Pick-it-Papers, Childers is amongst the main prizes. We need to telephone them for catering purposes with our anticipated numbers attending. So who would like to attend?
We can decide at our next patchwork day, how we are going to get there.
Darn I just checked my work roster, I may need to call my mystery virus " patchworkovirus".

1 comment:

Narelle said...

This date will be the week of our show too.